Welcome to

Beth Hatvillah

The Mikvah is the cornerstone of the Jewish family and central to our way of life. It is used by brides before their marriage, married women for the duration of their childbearing years and for conversion. The Rochester Mikvah is open to the community before the High Holidays and for Tevilas Keilim throughout the year.

 The Rochester Mikvah welcomes women from all segments of our community who embrace the mitzvah of Mikva as an opportunity to infuse their lives and their homes with spirituality and holiness.


Hours & Fees

Mikvah is by appointment only

Annual Membership
$36/ Visit (with automatic PayPal withdrawal)
Or one time payment of $250 ($100 savings)

Kallah/Bride $100

Donate | Make a Payment


To schedule an appointment, call 585-442-0245 to leave a message before 5 PM from Sunday to Thursday. For Friday night or Saturday night appointments, please call and leave a message before 1 PM on Friday.

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